Friday, May 21, 2010

Dreaming larger then life

I am a big believer in encouraging people to follow their dreams. I think dreams were put in our head to become reality, I personally think that God could have put our little dreams in our head to guide us along a path that he made for us. I truly believe that anyone can achieve anything if really set their mind to it. I dream of someday having my own creative performance dance group and I am determined to hopefully make that happen.
Dreams come true very easy for some, but for most it requires a little work and sometimes we give up when we realize this. Practice makes perfect, there's no greater or simpler way to get that point across. Fulfilling dreams call for some practice, work, and even some failures. But if you use those failures and channel them into something positive (like a learning lesson) then everyone can get a little closer to achieving their dreams.
For me I personally think that you regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did. Because if you go for your dreams, then your at a 100% greater chance of achieving them then if you don't try at all. I was inspired by so many great dancers before me that broke into the dancing industry and it soon became clear that nothing came easy, they worked for it at all times. So, don't be afraid to give 110% and just go for it because when you do, your 1,000 steps closer to your wildest dreams then you were before you took that first step. It's okay to fail sometimes, but not trying at all because of the fear of failing will only keep you from your success. I believe everyone should try to achieve their dreams, but it all starts with you and a lot of help from God.


  1. Dear Maddie,

    Wow! You offered so much insight and wisdom that it really made me think about my dreams I have had and how I have regretted not doing certain things. I really do think you showed so much wisdom into how to fulfill one's dreams and most importantly GOD's plan for your life from personal experience. I think that you will do great in life because I do not think you will be afraid of much; therefore, exposing yourself to some really great joys in life found only by doing things that are not defined as ordinary. You are an amazing person that will go far in life. Keep up the fantastic work. Your writing in this post is very gripping and satisfying!

  2. Maddie, I love reading your posts. The way you write is so inviting it makes me want to read it over and over again. I really appreciate the topic that you wrote about, because everyone has dreams and wishes for the future. You are an amazing friend and an amazing person. I am glad to have been your friend this year!
    P.S. I think the theme of your blog really reflects your personality:)

  3. God job A lieutenant in vietnam once said," Courage is endurance ofor one second longer." Tyler
